[Bordermarch] Fwd: Captivity

nomis at bordermarch.org nomis at bordermarch.org
Mon Sep 24 09:48:23 PDT 2012

   Dear Baron,

   I send this in the hope that you receive it in good health.  I know
   that I have been silent for a long time but it is due to terrible
   circumstances.  I have been being held hostage by Lady Gimwat.  It has
   been a terrible ordeal.  Every day I have waited for news of my pending
   rescue from this goat infested land but alas no help has arrived.  Have
   you given up on me?  Has the evil Baroness poisoned you against me?  I
   cannot understand why I have been left to linger.

   Lady Gimwat professes to own a magical bush and calls herself Lady
   gimwat of the bush.  I think she is mad as a loon.  After so long in
   captivity i have been dreaming of my family.  Memories of my father
   have been a constant companion of the dreams.  The dreams have been my
   one solace to this tortuous existence.  I have been writing the dreams
   down so that I have a record of them.  I have seven books written so
   far.  I am titling them "dreams of my father".

   I will tell you more later, i fear that I have been discovered.........


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