[Bordermarch] Populace Meeting Minutes
David Lathrop
dblathrop at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 28 16:56:21 PDT 2012
Populace Meeting
Sept 27, 2012
Open at 7:15 pm & welcome:
Old News: Ravens Fort Defenders was a great event. L. Thomas
was in the finals against Don Crowly after defeating 21 others. His L. Jillian
shook with excitement and anticipation until he was taken out with a single
elimination. M’L Caius was also second in the newcomers list. Vivat to them
New News: After much discussion and a unanimous vote by the
populace present it has been agreed upon to
1) Pursue a possible Baronial Coastal Defenders
with Loch, Stargate and Ravens Fort for the spring of 2013…details will follow
2) Participate in a demonstration at Adventure
Kingdom and the City of Lumberton for
Nov 3 from 10-6 and Nov 4 from 12-6 details to follow
We also advised the populace of the following:
1) A need to create a kingdom web page that will be
linked to our Baronial webpage, per kingdom request
2) An apparent heraldic conflict from a participant
in Helsinki. After seeing the device submission and speaking with His Majesty
at the Ravens Fort Event we will be writing a letter disputing this conflict
with the Bordermarch device. Her device was a green background with a key
ring(round) and three old style keys hanging from the ring??? You see why we
are writing!
3) Need for gate shift volunteers see L. Catalina
Officer Reports:
Seneschal- report not in yet
waiting on waviers Treasure-Good
MOC-not present N
Marshal- OK
R Marshal-OK Chronicler-OK A&S-OK
Scribal-OK, guilds continue every other Fri at
the Art Studio on Franklin
Herald-OK 3 new name and 3 device
Door Prize: 2 small starter pots of lemon basil gifted by HE
C M Tessa and a pack of 4 wine cork candles
Wolfvrin won
Closed meeting at 8:30 pm
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