[Bordermarch] Update on Lady Pandora

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Sun Sep 2 06:24:44 PDT 2012

Lord Phocas, Thank you for this up date.
We are praying for Lady Pandora's very best.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phocas of Bordermarch" <phocas at bordermarch.org>
To: <Bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2012 3:53 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Update on Lady Pandora

>I just got a call from Lady Pandora's man, John.
> Her surgery on Tuesday went well. They removed a plum sized mass from one
> side of her neck and a marble sized one from the other.  The larger one
> tested to be cancerous so after they remove the stiches in a week or so,
> they will soon after give her some sort of radioactive cocktail if hopes 
> of
> getting rid of anything else that MAY still be present in her body.
> She is at her parents now, released last night. Still not feeling up to
> talking- which anyone who's ever talked to her on the phone knows must be
> driving her crazy! First time we ever talked on the phone lasted about 8
> hours!
> Hopefully she'll get on her mom's computer soon and release that urge to
> communicate. :)  I'll post any more updates as I get them.
> For those that don't know, she worked her butte off getting the September
> Trumpeter out before she went into surgery.  Bordermarch is so blessed to
> have her. Says a prayer for her speedy recovery.
> Lord Phocas
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