[Bordermarch] Gift Baskets for Melees / How many?

tessa tessa at gt.rr.com
Mon Sep 10 18:09:30 PDT 2012

Thank you for organizing that :)
How many gift baskets are we planning?
I would like to prepare more bottled garden herbed oils to add to the gift 
And possibly have some youngster-appropriate items to donate also.
Thank you,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jillian Birtciel" <saintesun at gmail.com>
To: "Barony Bordermarch" <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 9:24 AM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Gift Baskets for Melees

> Greetings to the Populace!
> This year's BAM is shaping up to be monumental!  And in order to make it
> even more memorable for some of the special folks in our lives, the barony
> has decided to prepare a few gifts.  If you have anything you'd like to
> donate, I'm collecting from now until mid-November (and probably up until
> the very day!) anywhere you see me, or know someone can pass along items.
> Some ideas/thoughts/themes are:
> colors of purple, green, & gold; blue & white, red & gold, earth tones
> brewing supplies
> general/French history
> Celtic items
> Fleur-de-lys
> Phoenix/swords
> Horseshoes
> Paw prints
> Archery
> I have already commissioned some specialty tankards for our recipients, 
> but
> anything is welcome to showcase the hearts of this Barony.
> I would also like to suggest that any of our supremely talented artisans
> and craftsman ply your favorite art and donate an example.
> Finally, the incoming crown of Glean Abhann has specifically asked for
> largesse for them to give to the children of their Kingdom.  I would 
> dearly
> love to be able to give them a HUGE basket of kid-appropriate goodies to
> pass along.  I have several wonderful items already collected, but I truly
> want to weigh them down in a ridiculous manner with the generosity of this
> group!
> -- 
> Yours in Service,
> ~Jillian Saint Andre, OSTB
> *
> *
> *Beauty, strength, youth, are flowers but fading seen;* *Duty, faith,
> love, are roots, and ever green.*
> GEORGE PEELE, *Polyhymnia*
> **
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