[Bordermarch] Ultum Gratiae Thank you very much

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 12 17:02:34 PST 2013

And a huge thank you Lord Beau for all you did to make this event go smoothly and look effortless. You did an outstanding job!
Their Exc. Bordermarch

 From: walton dumesnil <wdumesnil at hotmail.com>
To: kingdom gossip fence <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>; gossip fence <bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org> 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 11:18 PM
Subject: [Bordermarch] Ultum Gratiae Thank you very much

Greetings & salutations...If it pleases Their Royal Majesties Jean Paul de Sens II & Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise II, Rex et Regina Ansteorrae, in addition to Their Heirs & Highnesses, Lochlann Dunn & Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon, I, Ld Biau-douz de la Mere, wish to extoll much heartfelt thanks to all those who helped, entered, judged and/or attended Kingdom Arts & Sciences/ Eisteddfod 2013...You are the ones that make an event a success...I want to publically applaud the following for their virtuous sacrifices of time, money, hospitality, and sheer love of the "Game We Play"...I present the following in my best attempt at Order of Precedence: HE Countess Mistress Tessa of the Gardens---Hospitality Greeter Breakfast; Count Sir Master Simonn of Amber Isle---Judge & worker bee; HE Baroness Elisabeth de Montvert---Feast Steward; HE Baron Santiago de Monte Verde---All around nice guy, Propieter of the Bordermarch Bed & Breakfast, & Maker of signs; HE
 Mistress Jalali of Salam
is---My Peer Representative, Drop-dead deputy, & judge; HE Mistress Hillary Rose Greenslade---Drop-dead deputy who made sure I covered ALL my bases & aided in traffic control; Mistress Nerak la Tisserande---Giver of great advice & support; Mistress Melisende de Barcelona---MoAS who took over once we got them in the door; HE Don Armand de Lacy---Baronial Seneschal, worker bee & getter of things; HL Elene Kirchenknopf---New Scribal officer & worker bee; HL Alden Drake---Eisteddfod Autocrat & out-going Kingdom Bard; HL Isabella Maria della Rosa---The Do-er of EVERYTHING from hopsitality to ambience & kitchen; Ld Zain ap Simonn---site prep worker bee; Ld Phocas of Bordermarch---website wizardry; Lady Asatriona inghean Padraigin---Gatekeeper; Ld Vincois Luis Picard---Gatekeeper's assistant; Lady Jillian St Andre---Bordermarch Bed & Breakfast Chef; Lady Catalina Dragomir---Lady-in-waiting to the Feast Steward; Ld Chrestien Brule---Gatekeeper's assistant; Ld
 Thomas Peregrine---Bord
ermarch Bed & Breakfast Sous Chef; Lady Raven Macleod---Landlady who got us the AWESOME building; Lady Karen of Bordermarch---My Lovely Lady Wife and Say-er of NO for me; Ld Atli Karrlson---Worker bee, traffic control & cameraman; Lady Mary Whythorn---Lady-in-waiting to the Feast Steward; & m'Lord Conall Baillie---Stalwart supporter of our GateKeeper Lady Padraigin...I also extend many thanks & praise to TRM's, TRH's, Kingdom Seneschal Duke Ulsted, MoAS, & the Ansteorran Order of the Laurel for trusting our Barony with such auspicious events as Kingdom Artisan & Eisteddfod...Please do not hesitate to provide feedback from your experiences as our skin is thick and ears wide open...This is how we grow stronger and host more grandiose events...On a more personal note I wish to greatly praise Our Baron & Baroness for opening up their doors for our Kingdom leadership & our Northern Brothers & Sisters...This Grand act of hospitality was supported by many in
 the Barony in the form 
providing bedding, cooking, & manpower...Without your support ( I mean you Bordermarch Populace ) the event would have been but a fraction of the success that it was...After the saturday festivities The Baron & Baroness again opened up their home where we braved the Bibbetts and received a history lesson on 9th Century Scandanavian Wolf hunting techniques by Rikr Foetipper...That story made my day complete...Yours In Most Glorious Service To The Sable Star, Ld Biau-douz de la Mere, K A&S 2013 Autocrat & KM of Barony Bordermarch  

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