[Bordermarch] baronial guard

Justin Wininger brkn_prms at hotmail.com
Wed May 8 12:49:37 PDT 2013

Lord Beau, Chivalric Champion of Bordermarch, Wielder of the Dangerous Pen, it is known that you take great strides to put down myself and other rapier folks. But all know that it is the rapier wit that wins in the end, over brawn. Swing away Lord Beau, swing away!! And if you must insist on being the Captain of the Baronial Guard, then feel free to court those that make it happen, for I am Captain of a far superior Guard, that stands both in front of the the Baron and Baroness to protect them from harm yet quietly strides behind them in support of all they do. 

His Excellency and I discussed more fitting role for the crew. We stand where others have crumbled. We thrive where others wither. We bloom when others wilt!!!!....You get the idea...So it is only fitting that we have a role far more responsible. 

Chrestien Brule

> From: wdumesnil at hotmail.com
> To: bordermarch at lists.ansteorra.org
> Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 16:32:19 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Bordermarch] baronial guard
> query: Does my being Champion make me "Captain" of the Guard?...if so, please tell Ld Chrestien first and everyone else second...He likes knowing these things...YIS until death or unconciousness render me otherwise, Beau 		 	   		  
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