[Bordermarch] War of the Rams II

Lathrop, Dave David.Lathrop at valero.com
Mon Nov 25 06:40:13 PST 2013

Greetings Bordermarch,

HE Elisabeth and I made it home ok.
The cheese log and Lord Biau's container of sanctified lactose free goat's milk will stay in the trailer,
in the cooler, under the tarps until our next event because I have already forgotten about it.

Before I get started I would like your opinion on a slight matter of protocol:
I did take council with HE Don Armand and he agreed that a Lady in Waiting does have the responsibility to sniff the Baron
if requested. The sniff would help the Baron in his decision to change the thermal undershirt he has been wearing for the last three days!
None of HE Elisabeth's Ladies in Waiting were willing sniff me. They all  refused me when I asked and they also made extreme
hand gestures towards my head!
I did have a few of my "Manly Men in Wanting" begging to sniff me, but I felt that would be too much to ask.
(I think Lord Atli actually sneaked a sniff when I wasn't looking.)
Your opinion on this matter would be appreciated.

After we tore down site we had to make a preordained stop at the Texas Star restaurant with all of our peeps.
I have to say it is wonderful beyond description to be able to perform the "after event bonding ritual" with a bunch of
smelly medievalist whilst dinning on high quality beef products and fried tubers.
The locals in the restaurant, who were one-and-all decked out in camo gear, looked at our group with jaded eyes when we started
clapping and screaming with open mouths full of ranch dressing and mushrooms every time another member came in from site to join us.
Our group attempted to do the Wave, but it looked more like the "Quaking Bowl of Jell-O". They only had enough energy to do it once.

The event was exceptional!
Despite the cold, the rain, and the Sanitation Lepers, everyone seemed to have a good time.
This year we had a lot of new folks joining us from as far away as Canada and the northeast.
Our thanks go out to all who had a hand in making this another great time for friends to gather and freeze.

We will soon be producing a newsletter with all the highlights from the event, including colored pictures for all to
enjoy. As per a recent request, this upcoming newsletter issue will have some numbered line drawings for the Phoenix crew to fill in with
their new Crayolas.
If you have taken photos during the event and would like to share them with the known world please send them to
Chronicler at bordermarch.org<mailto:Chronicler at bordermarch.org> .  I would encourage everyone to write some verbiage about their own experiences that
took place during the War of the Rams. When those most precious words are written, get on
your computer and send those words to Chronicler at bordermarch.org<mailto:Chronicler at bordermarch.org> .

I would also like to congratulate Honorable Lady HE Elisabeth on her elevation to Honorable Lady! I am now most humbly blessed,
yet still slightly unworthy, to have as my wife a Honorable Lady very much like that other Honorable Lady...Judge Judy.

HE Santiago

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