[Bordermarch] Gulf war land coordinator

Cindy Derrick briteideastexas at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 17:17:38 PST 2014

Good evening Bordermarch,
Gulfwar begins March 9 and I will again be coordinating land for this 
event.   ACCEPS will close Feb 18. Once you register please send me your 
parties information. Please remember to register each person 
individually (larger land allocation).
Tent- dimensions with ropes
type pavilion- modern period
names sca/mundane
registration number for your persons
Day arrival/time
If you are bringing additional tents, armory, kitchen, shower. include 

My contact info Cindy Derrick /Isabella della Rosa 512-497-0262, 
briteideastexas at gmail.com, I will be on site Friday( March 7).

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