[Bordermarch] A&S Day

David Lathrop dblathrop at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 4 18:42:22 PDT 2015

Bordermarch will have another A&S Day June 20th here at our home in Silsbee. We will be starting at 9:30 am. The guys will be blacksmithing and the ladies banner making for the castle.  We also will have a class on lucet weaving and answering questions on sewing. Bring your projects with you if you wish. Some of us may be loading barony belongings for the storage shed. As always this makes a great meet and greet for newcomers and garb is optional. Bring your fighting gear, marshals may be available for practice at your leisure.  
At 6 PM we will have a BAM meeting led by M'L Melia and dinner will be pot luck on the deck. The grill is available so bring a meat for yourself and a side dish to share for 8-10.  Don't forget BYOB, non alcoholic beverages will be provided by your B&B.
Looking forward to a day of fun and friendship,Santiago and ElisabethBaron and Baroness of Bordermarch

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