[Bordermarch] Updates

Seneschal of Bordermarch seneschal at bordermarch.ansteorra.org
Thu Apr 5 18:35:38 PDT 2018

Hey fellow Bordermarchers I have a few bits of news:

First, there is a care day for Borderkeep scheduled for 04/21/2018. We
will be removing debris around the castle from past projects. I will
be bringing a trailer to load the debris on and remove it from the
site. Many hands make light work for this, I plan to be at site around
9AM. Please let me know if you need a ride.

Next, Lady Sarah is doing a wonderful job for us as our website
administrator. Alas, her time in this position is nearing its end. She
is seeking someone who would be interested in joining her as a deputy
to train in the ways this job is handled and eventually leading to
taking over for her. If you feel this is you please get with her for
more information.

Last, we have a couple of new officers to announce!! Lord Aki is our
new exchequer! Lady Mary Dash has done a wonderful job for us while
holding the office. We thank her for her years of service! Lord Joseph
is our new Scribal officer! Many thanks you Lord Ulferth for his years
of service! We still have a few offices open for application; Minister
of Arts & Science, Ministry of Children, and Chronicler. Please reach
out to HE Lessandra, HE Melia or myself if you are interested.

Ever in service,

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