<DIV>To the Wonderful People of Ansteorra,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> Thanks to a wonderful friend loaning me a laptop, I am now back online again.</DIV>
<DIV> I wanted to say how greatful I am to all of the wonderful people in the kingdom of Ansteorra, all the phone calls and support has been my saving grace. A special thanks to Lord Malcolm for taking all my phone calls at all hours of the day and night when I didn't have enough strength and he loaned me some of his. For all the wonderful people who has given me a shoulder to lean on and an encouraging word to keep me going. Lorriane, Rachel, Olivia, and Baroness Kezia just to name a very few. I never knew how big my family was until now. Thank you so very much.</DIV>
<DIV> At first all I could see was the loss but now I see all I really have. I lost the little stuff but still have the best stuff my life, my family and the most wonderful friends and family in the whole world.</DIV>
<DIV> I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone with all the donations. I wish to send special hand written thank you notes to everyone. Again I am so greatful and thank you so much for everything. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Sincerely, Janeene Owens</DIV>
<DIV>In Service, Love of Halesworth </DIV>
<DIV>Minister of Arts and Science</DIV>
<DIV>Deputy Seneschal</DIV>
<DIV>Barony of Ravensfort</DIV><p>
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