CR - Battle of three kings

willow l herbert jonwillowpel at
Thu Jun 18 08:53:19 PDT 1998

Unto  Edward I, Hammer of the Scots, King of
 England,Ireland, and Scotland
>From Willow de Wisp Chief of the Clan Caldal
Most noble lord I give you notice that I and the Caldal I can bring are
willing to fight under your standard. That is if you are willing to
guarantee our western holdings and rights. Under the Norwegian kings our
people were given rights and privages that we hold dear and if you are
willing to support these claims then we would be willing to support you.
Now, for myself I would be needing very little but your good will, but
for the nobles and gentles that bring to your banner your offers of lands
seem quite generous. It is always good to received gifts from friends.

Yours in support
Willow de Wisp
Chief of the Clan Caldal 

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