CR - Caligraphers and Illuminators....

KochKA at KochKA at
Thu Sep 10 11:47:58 PDT 1998

Hi all,

Thyra here.  Just a quick note to all the calligraphers and illuminators
who might be on the list....

I've recently taken over the Central Regional Scribe position.  All that
means is that I'm sort of a contact point for scribes in the region -
you can ask me questions about scribal activities, come to me for blank
charters to paint, ask me about how to get started in calligraphy and
illumination - whatever.  Curstaidh Magorlick, our current Star Signet,
has also asked that scribes turn in their painted charters to their
Regional officer instead of directly to the Crown or Sable Scroll (it's
also okay with me if you turn them in to your guild head to turn in to
me).  That just allows me to stay aware of who in my region is active in
charter-painting so I can recommend people for awards at the appropriate
time, or to do original scroll work.  Please feel free to write me or
corner me at an event if there's anything at all I can help with or any
questions I can answer.  

I'm also hosting a weekly charter-painting class on Thursdays (in
conjunction with Gunthar's regular fighter practice) at our house at
7:30, and anyone who'd like to come help paint charters for the kingdom
is welcome.  This is by no means meant to replace the other local guild
meetings.  The kingdom is always in need of painted charters, and I just
hope to provide a fun and informal place for us to paint together.
Write me if you need directions to the house.

Now, a question for you guys - I know that the Steppes and Elfsea both
have active C&I guilds; do any of the other groups in the region hold
regular guild meetings?  When Black Oak Keep was active, our
then-Central-Regional, Margaret Pierce, came out to our area to teach us
about charter-painting, let us paw through her illumination books, and
basically get us started in C&I.  I'd be more than happy to do the same
for any groups locally that are interested; just let me know!

And, please, drop me a line if you're a scribe.  I'd love to get to know
who's on-line and doing scribal things within the region.

HL Thyra of Black Oak Keep
Central Regional Scribe

kochka at

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