CR - Re: Outdoor sale

willow l herbert jonwillowpel at
Sun Aug 23 16:40:49 PDT 1998

Hi folks this is Willow. For those who don't know Duke Jonathan had four
of his neck bones fused a couple of months ago and was out of work for a
month. We thought we could handled it financially but we were wrong. So
we are announcing the following.
                                      Special sale 
                    Costumes for men, women and children!, 
          knives, goblets, plates, jewelry, cloaks, chairs, fabric etc.
                                  Books. books  books!
  Diverse things useful for the SCA all can be found at the outdoor sale
                                    John and Willow's
                                       1831 Edna 
                                      Arlington, Tx.
        This is one block off the corner of Abrams and New York. Note the
street is only one block long and is blocked at the corner of Edna and
Browning. Call if you need directions. 817-794-0320
Sale starts noon on Saturday and will go on all day Sunday. Please come.

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