CR - Dragonsfire Tor Yule revel& Artisan

Donald Riney dariusobells at
Fri Oct 9 06:12:06 PDT 1998

I believe the weekend of december 13-15 is the tor yule revel. As to the 
Artisan Competition you can contact Me as the Curent artisan or Hl Mara 
of Rede who is co-ordinating with the autocrat. We are not requiring a 
letter of intent though we are asking for documentation. this is NOT a 
body of work display. space is somewhat limited so use your judgment. If 
you want to show off more than one thing great, thats fine, just keep in 
mind the tables will be shared with other artisans. judging will be done 
using the new standard forms, and I will be asking to talk with each 
artisan regaurding their entry's ( I just love a good jury!)Those 
wishing to enter a research paper should contact Me or Mara preferably 
before Nov 15th so judges have time to read them. Mara's eMail is 
mararede at 

In service
Darius of the Bells
Second Artisan of Dragons Fire Tor 

>	Does anyone know when the Tor's Yule revel is being held?  Does anyone
>have any info on the A&S competition?  I'm interested in entering (my 
>A&S!  Yikes!) and I need to know a point of contact, whom to send 
>of intent, etc.
>	Second question--where are some good sources on period cooking?  I'm
>mainly looking for info on what they used in their recipes, what is 
>what is not, etc.  I know there are lots of things we use every day 
>wasn't around then (i.e. potatoes, vanilla, chocolate, corn), but I 
need a
>little more info so I can build some recipes.  Any help (especially 
>primary resources) would be greatly appreciated.
>Thanks in advance,
>Lady Genevieve
>Matron, House Silver Moon
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