CR - Three KIngs

nolen dale fairborn at
Thu Oct 15 20:38:41 PDT 1998

I apologize for those who recieve multiple postings

On Novmber 13-15th in the shire of Rosenfeld (Tyler,TX) we will be
having Battle of Three Kings. This year we are recreating the scottish
wars of independence. Come Join Robert the Bruce and WIlliam Wallace in
thier historical struggle against Edward I and Edward II the kings of
England and scourge of the Scots.
We will be having melee scenarios all day with a castle. Combat archery
in every melee scenario (Bring a wagon load of arrows you are goin to
need them) Siege weapons in every castle scenario ( more than 8 castle
scenarios) Archery Competition, A&S competition, Knife axe and spear
throw. We always have fun at Three kings! IF you are courtier great! IF
you would like to lead the charge against the english with a two handed
sword and a kilt come have fun with us.
Come join Robert the Bruce (His Majesty Sir Barn Silveraxe) it must be
nice to be king of Ansteorra and King of Scotland in the same year

William Wallace (Duke Michael of Monmouthshire) not as good as being
king of Scotland but a lot better hair.

Edward I, Hammer of the Scots (Sir Karl der Gangr) not as good as being
king of Scotland, but it is nice to be able to kill with just a glare.

Edward II, prince then king of England ( Sir Dieterich) not as good as
the other three but a lot better fashion sense.

This year for the first time we will have a delicious feast to fill
yourstomach and warm your bones after a glorious day of fighting in
historical battles and castles.

The site of this great event will be at canton tex. This is the same
sight as Steppes Warlord. See your blackstar for directions or emial me
and i will email directions from your location. Site will open friday
around 4:00pm.

Oh yeah the best part we have pipers coming! We have drummers coming! If
you are a piper or a drummer or a muscian who does not fight come add
your instrument to the armies procession and to the very first scenario
as we have scotish music playing in the background. We will have english
music later on (it sounds an awful lot like scottish music).
Imagine a crisp morning, banners in the breeze, amorning fog clings to
the ground and the music of po\ipes and drums flaots through the air and
then order to charge is given. Gives me goosebumps.

Remeber in three kings Fighters artisans and other s alike help to the
war effort, Just because you win all the battles on the battlefiedl does
not mean you will do so in the other area and thus become the winning

We have a few more special surpises let to tell you.

On Sunday I will be teaching a class on how to do a succeful theme event
like three kings and if their is enough interest a talk about an all
animal based event. Email me with your thoughts.
until then
Richard Fairbourne
There is fun in everything , sometimes you just have to look a little
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