[Central] Reminder

mysticfalcon@onebox.com mysticfalcon at onebox.com
Mon Dec 15 17:46:09 PST 2003

Evening Good Gentles,

The holidays are approaching quickly and everyone seems to be running about trying to get everything done.  As you mark off tasks on your "To Do" list be sure that pre-registrating for Gulf Wars is one of your goals.  
You can pre-reg either by mail or online.  Just go to www.gulfwars.org and print out a pre-reg form (one per person) or go ahead and sign up through the online system.  Pre-registration not only gaureentess you land but it is also cheaper than paying at the door upon arrival.  
     If you have already pre-registered or plan to do so, please email the following information:
Name (SCA, Mundane)
Tent Size
Group Camping with
Age (if 13 or younger)
Day of arrival

This information is used to help me make sure that our records match those of the Gulf Wars officail list so if there are in discrepencies they can be solved before you arrrive on site. 
     Gulf Wars is a fabulous event and one that I would love to see each and every one of you at if possible.  If you have any questions or need any further information about pre-reg please feel free to contact me at
mysticfalcon at onebox.com so that I can help you out.   See you at war!

In Service,
Lady Honour du Bois
Squire to Sir Galen of Bristol
Central Regional Land Coordinator

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