[Central] Irving Arts Center Demo - 12/10/04

Lady Sunnifa sunnifa at housewhiteshark.org
Thu Dec 9 07:31:05 PST 2004

Kom hael og sael!

The Irving Arts Center Open House is only a day away! The SCA has been 
specifically invited through the Canton of Lindenwood to demonstrate our 
activities to the attendees with stage time and the special accomodation 
of reserved dressing rooms. This year's theme is the Age of Chivalry and 
they are VERY EAGER for our attendance.

This is a short demo, with an hour to set up and two hours running length. 
Please come and help share our society with the public, even if only for a 
part of that time.

Territory: Lindenwood, a Canton of the Steppes (Irving/Coppell/Grand Prairie)
Address: Irving Arts Center, 3333 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 300, Irving, 75062
Date: Friday, December 10, 2004
Setup: 5:00p
Demo: 6:00p - 8:00p
Stage: 6:00p - 6:30p and 6:45p - 7:15p
Organizer: Lady Sunnifa Eiriksdottir
Cell Phone: 214-794-3872

Parking is available in the North Lot at the building's rear, near the 
loading dock. Please use the stage entrance. Dressing rooms have been 
reserved for our use. You may wish to bring a chair.

Lady Sunnifa Eiriksdottir
Seneschal, Canton of Lindenwood

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