[Chemin-noir] Garb 101 Class

Amanda Blackwolf amandablackwolf at cox.net
Fri Jul 9 12:59:57 PDT 2004

Hail to the members of the Canton of Chemin Noir.

I will be in your fair Canton teaching a class on basic garb in August. You need to bring several things to class. 

1. paper
2. pencil or pen
3. measuring tape 
4. sewing machine (preferred if you brought your own, if you don't have one, let me know)

The plan is to have a garment made at the end of class...so if you are making something for someone else, let me know, so that I can tell you what measurements to take.

We are currently working on a date, and location. If necessary, I will return to teach this class again, so do not despair!

Lady Amanda Blackwolf
MoAS, Barony of Northkeep
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