[Chemin-noir] Fw: [Northkeep] For those of you who missed it:

Stephanie Drake steldr at cox.net
Tue Feb 1 07:07:43 PST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Birdwell" <angusmgunn at yahoo.com>
To: "Northkeep" <northkeep at ansteorra.org>; "Northkeep Fighters"
<northkeepfighters at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:55 AM
Subject: [Northkeep] For those of you who missed it:

> Greetings to all the fighters of Northkeep and her Cantons,
> Last night at Populace meeting I announced the formation of a Northkeep
heavy weapons unit. The Borderguard will travel to Gulf and fight together
as a unit alongside all of our northern and southern bretheren in defense of
our great kingdom. Those of you with whom I spoke last night please email me
directly so that I can have a list of the fighters who were there. Also,
anyone who is a heavy fighter and is interested in being a member of the
guard please email me directly. If you are wanting to be a member and are
planning on attending Gulf please let me know ASAP. The guard will be open
to all heavy fighters of Northkeep proper and her Cantons. I hope to see
lots of you this weekend at Winter War Rally.
> Where we go one, We go all.
> Lord Angus Gunn
> Squire to Sir Casius
> XXVI Champion of Eldern Hills
> XI Dionadair of Northkeep
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