[Chemin-noir] Pooky Sighting Wednesday!
Pukhta 'Pooky' Lovvek
pookyloves at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 23:04:24 PST 2009
Good Friends and those who have yet not met me,
It is in earnest that I contact you this day! As you might know in the
infinatude of things that can occur within this Society, my most
favored activity is to be helpful. I have recently been blessed with
such a glorious opportunity, an opportunity that is so "awesome" that
even with the full power of Pookaciousness can not complete without
Your help.
It has come to my attention and accepted into my responsibility that
some house repairs, great and small must occur for Ansteorra's First
King and Queen. Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer and Willow de Wisp are
residing in our Northern Region. We were blessed to have Willow join
us at Wiesenfeuer's Baronial Event and She was very kind and brought
many of Ansteorra's Sacred Relics to display for all to enjoy and fawn
I am with permission authorized to mention how things are going these
days for our First King and Queen. Jonathan experienced a stroke a
while back. He is doing well but it has set limits on His physical
exertion. Willow is scheduled for triple bypass surgery soon and if
She'll do as someone else tells Her to... will need to spend sometime
in a wheel chair after the surgery; hopefully that will not be a
permanent situation.
What needs to occur to improve and make Their situation possible, is a
lot of home repair both in their present residence in Northkeep and
the previous Residence in Arlington. Tx.
At first glance what needs to happen is :
1. Remove portion of bathroom wall
2. Remove bathroom door frame and replace with a wider door(potential
wheelchair access)
3. Tile bathtub wall surround
4. Grout walls in bath
5. Install-3 doors, 2 ceiling fans, 2 bathroom heater lights, wall
plug and 3 sockets and switches
6. Replace 3 windows which includes some wall demolition and repair
7. Remove old kitchen floor Inspect and repair or stub joists
8. Re floor kitchen with tile
9. Paint cabinets
10. Repair 2 roof leaks
11. Check ceiling joists
12. Repair kitchen sink
13. Install dishwasher
14. Prime and paint porch
15. Repair and replace wall siding outside
16. Prime and paint
17. Repair portico
18. Unload POD storage unit
19. Install dryer and seal up exhaust pipe
20. Floor tile 3 other rooms
21. Weather-proof back door.
22. Clean Clean Clean
23. Wall and ceiling repair
24. Prime,spray acoustic, and paint ceiling patches
25. Build ladder for under house access
26. Install ladder or drop staircase to attic
27. Jack up whole house and replace damaged sill plate
28. Cut down jungle in backyard and remove Trash Prep Garden plot
29. Repair back fences Trim several trees Mow up leaves Build composter
30 Install toilet and sink
31. Install baseboards and 1/4 round
32. Install AC units
33. Weatherize
34. Help move everything around and put up stuff.
35. Go to Arlington, TX and clean out their old house
36. Remediate black mold problem down there so they can get more when
they sell it.
Ah yes, so as you can see this definitely warrants my quite possibly
first request for help, in some 30+ years. This will be an ongoing
project for this winter and spring but some of these situations need
to be addressed post haste. Wheelchair accessibility for example.
Some very good news, Blackmoon has created central heating YaY!
Count Finn Kelly O'Donnell ~ Lion has virtually single handedly (well
both of His hands) replaced and refurbished the wood floor! YaY!
Finn is in Northkeep as well, He is working on the house many
days-a-week. His efforts have been Herculean. He will be a preferred
contact for you to get with when you have a morning or afternoon to
sledge a hammer, turn a screw, sheer a plant, drop off supplies, slap
on some paint, create a better life for a couple of people that helped
build this Beloved Kingdom of ours.
Finn's dear wife Mistress Roselynde d'Angleterre is doing really well
and has offered to feed any and all wonderful helpers as only a Laurel
can! Something in the form of rumors about a hottub as well... Any
help, whenever available would help create and fulfill a life altering
Finn's Contact info is:
f-ross at sbcglobal.net
1237 South Louisville Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74112
Pooky's Contact info is:
pookyloves at gmail.com
Jon and Willow's address for mapping purposes is:
228 East Mohawk Blvd.
Tulsa, OK 74106-2347
Finn and I are thinking we will usually meet at His house whenever you
are available and then head on over to Jon & Willow's. If driving
distance is shorter for you to go directly to Jon and Willow's then
give Finn a call and he will be double eager to meet you over there.
I'd love to know when you'd be coming so I can start driving the hour+
and get the opportunity to see you!!!
Thank you very much for considering an imposition upon your time and
resources to benefit a couple people which began our Kingdom's Journey
into The~Dream.
My Gratitude,
Addendum: Happiness!
Wednesday the 16th, we are meeting at 228 East Mohawk, Tulsa, OK
anytime after 8 am. We will be there all day moving things and fixing
I look forward to seeing you!
Your Beloved Pooky
As always, Call me if you need anything 918.781.9652
Respect your creation, love me and be then healed. A grand plan done
in a simple way.
-- Pookspeare
"My religion is the kindness and generosity of unconditional love."
– His Pookiness the Dalai Poohka
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