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House Wolfstar welcomes all to our Household event "In the Company of Wolves IX" this weeknd at Camp DaKaNi in Wiesenfeuer, Ansteorra (OKC, OK). There will be fighting, feasting, festivities well into the night. attached is the site flyer.<br>
Site Fee: $8.00<br>
Feast: $10.00<br>
Note: feast fees have changed from $7.00 to $10.00 and feast will be Steak and potatoes etc..<br>
also no electric heaters. camp has very limited electric available.<br>
"In The Company of Wolves IX" <br>
February 26th thru 28th site opens Fri at 4:00p closes 12:00pm Sun, <br>
Site is wet in period containers, Ground fires ok, No unaccompanied minors, No pets,<br>
Camp DaKaNi is located at 3601 E. Hefner Rd. OKC, OK. 73131<br>
p.s. also don't forget there's a silent auction and heavy and lite tourneys as well as competitions in dance, brewing, bardic, and drumming.Hope to see you there!<br>
YIS, Eve<br>
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