<html><P>I can't be at the meeting no car but please, please check whatever you decide on if it can be written into songs and poetry . Also see if you can chant it. It is horrible to have a name you can't yell. Think also about the symbols that would go with it and possible an animal.</P>
<P>It is better not to connect it to anything mundane or to obvious because that gives the outside world mixed signals. We are trying to get grants so it is better that your name of the regions doesn't start a whole lot of snickers. I tried naming a dance troupe "Desert Winds". That didn't work. </P>
<P>Instead of Heartland how about something that translate "Journey's home" or "Heartease" or Solace because that is what this regions means to me. Hearts Home in some language might do. </P>
<P>I wish I could be there. The only thing I hope you do is make it something this old Willow can say.</P>
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