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Greetings, Chemin Noir and Northkeep--<BR> <BR>I have loved every minute of serving as Chemin Noir's Seneschal, so it is with truly bittersweet sentiments that I must announce my stepping down from the office in April. I am graduating in May, and we willl be moving to Arkansas immediately thereafter. You'll hear this again closer to our time to leave, but you all have been an incredible blessing in our lives. You've become my friends, and this place will forever be my SCA home. Thank you for that. :) <BR> <BR>If you are interested in serving as the new Seneschal, applications will be accepted for one month. They need to be turned in by March 24th (Chemin Noir's populace night for that month). You can find the application here: <A href="http://seneschal.ansteorra.org/forms/ApplicationJan08.pdf">http://seneschal.ansteorra.org/forms/ApplicationJan08.pdf</A> You must be a paid member to hold office. Please send the application to the Northern Regional Seneschal at <A href="mailto:northern@seneschal.ansteorra.org">northern@seneschal.ansteorra.org</A>. Also, please copy the email to Their Excellencies, Facon and Keigan at <A href="mailto:facon@cox.net">facon@cox.net</A> and <A href="mailto:keigangdh@aol.com">keigangdh@aol.com</A>, Northkeep's Seneschal, HL Arthur Blackmoon at <A href="mailto:ld.blackmoon@cox.net">ld.blackmoon@cox.net</A>, and me at <A href="mailto:russcrowelvr@hotmail.com">russcrowelvr@hotmail.com</A>. <BR> <BR>
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.<BR>
Again, thanks so much!<BR>
Yours in Service,<BR>
Seneschal of Chemin Noir <BR><BR> </body>