CR - Youth Rapier - Stargate

Amy Forsyth aforsyth at UH.EDU
Fri Sep 3 08:28:34 PDT 1999


Stargate's initial Youth Rapier meeting ran rather afoul of the weather
this last Tuesday.  So, we'll be doing it again this coming Tuesday, Sept.
7, from 7:30 - 9:30 or 10 pm.  We'll be looking at a portion of the rules
and beginning work on stance and footwork.  (Of course, waivers will need
to be completed in order to practice and a parent/legal guardian must be
present.)  If you don't have armor or weapons, don't worry.  There's a lot
that can be done without armor.      

We had one pair who braved the weather to attend on Tuesday, Carn & Gerald.
 One other pair called to report that they had lost their electricity and
would not be able to attend.

If Tuesdays are bad nights for you to practice, give us a call or send us
an e-mail.  We may want to try doing this on a different night.  Please
pass our contact information along to those who may be interested but don't
have access to e-mail.    

There are already 2 YR fighters in the Kingdom who have authorized and have
their cards.  The first YR tourney will be at Elfsea Defender, Sept. 24-26.

~Don Christoforo & Adela
acting Stargate YRMs 

Home ph:   713-330-3125 (no calls after 9:30 please)
Adela's wk:   713-743-9698 (ask for Amy)
Adela's e-mail:   AForsyth at

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