CR - Open Seneschal - Bordermarch

Jane Bretz bretz at
Thu Sep 30 21:07:48 PDT 1999

Hello Coastal Ansteorra,

For whom it may concern, Lady Marguerite has completed her term as
Seneschal, and I will be accepting applications for the soon to be open
position of Seneschal of Bordermarch through the month of October.  Please
send applications in the form of a letter of intent/informal resume, include
a proof of membership copy, and copy of your driver's license.  You may
email your application and mail the additional copies under seperate cover.
Please be advised that I will be moving Oct. 8th, and my new address will be
14651 Thelma St., Pearland, TX 77581.  Mail sent to the old address will be
forwarded, but you may want to email me just in case it goes into a postal
black hole.

Thanks for your assistance!

HL Béatrix d'Angoulême
Coastal Regional Seneschal

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