CR - Field Heraldry at Crown Tournament StephenMacthomas at
Thu Apr 6 04:10:05 PDT 2000

Greetings unto all to whom these presents shall come from Lord Stephen 
Macthomas, coordinator of field heralds for Crown Tournament.

I must apologize for any duplicate posts that you may or may not receive, but 
I am in need of volunteers to assist with heraldry at Crown Tournament during 
the weekend of April 14-16 in the Barony of Loch Soillier.  Though I 
currently have a few volunteers already in place, more people make for less 
strain on the voice, and so I once again make the call for assistance.

As coordinator of field heralds, I am responsible for not only the voice 
heraldry taking place on the list field, but also for the dissemination of 
announcements throughout the site.  Lady Meliora, the event steward, has 
asked that I have two gentles in place for heralding the lists at the field, 
two for making announcements and one in charge of the Honor Board, as well as 
a handful of stand-by heralds available to step in when and where needed.

There are certain requirements for the list heralds and the Honor Board 
attendant.  The list heralds are required by Kingdom Law to have a current 
Combat Authorization Card for Non-Combat Participation, unless they are 
specifically invited onto the field by the marshal-in-charge.  To alleviate 
any such special permissions during the event, I am asking that all those who 
would herald the list have a current authorization in hand and have prior 
list heraldry experience.  Those tending to the Honor Board should have a 
certain competency with armory and blazon, so that the pairings for each 
round may be posted to the Board with the greatest expediency.  If there is a 
certain aspect that you prefer to be involved with - list, announcements or 
the Honor Board - please let me know in advance so that I am sure to have 
everything covered before the event.

If you wish to volunteer your service please let me know via e-mail at 
stephenmacthomas at

I am looking forward to working with all of you at Crown Tournament.

In service to the Crown and Ansteorra,
Lord Stephen
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