CR - Politics! (Persona Class) at Univ of Houston Fighter Practice

Wendy Freeman/Otte wyllow at
Mon Dec 4 18:57:52 PST 2000

A Mini-Series of Persona Classes
  taught by Lady Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh
Class 2: Politics and your Persona
When: Tues, Dec 5, 8:00-8:30pm (wander in & out as you like)
Where: Univ. of Houston Fighter Practice, in the crook of the "U"-tree.
We will explore the idea of incorporating the politics of a time/locality into
our speech and actions.  

The class is a short open-forum discussion, meant to challenge all gentles in
the SCA, from newcomer to founding member, to expand their persona just a
little beyond their current comfort level.  I have purposely chosen one of the
three taboo areas of polite conversation, since they are usually the primary
external influences that shape a person.  I encourage each gentle to do some
initial research on his/her own timeperiod/locality, to share in the open
forum.  The more each gentle brings to the discussion, the more we will all
take away from it.

Bring a chair and some background info on the history of your time period.
Next week: 
Class 3: Sex and your Persona
Last week:
Class 4: Religion and your Persona

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