CR - TRF Raffle Please read.

Cobalt60@lcc cobalt60 at
Thu May 18 05:26:25 PDT 2000

TRF Raffle

Tickets: 1 Dollar each or 5 Dollars for 6

Winner take all Raffle:

One full suit of armor{(see below)

One 16 Ga. helmet

One 2x3.5 half inch curved shield

One rattan sword with basket hilt

One Ansteorran battle tabard sewn not painted

One strong medium leather pouch

One armor bag (Not a duffle bag)

and more to be added!

The suit of armor is made of leather with mild steal elbows and knees

and metal plated leather gorge.

All proceeds to go to the TRF building fund for building 

maintenance and upkeep of Booth 232 at the 

Texas Renaissance Festival tm where the local 

SCA holds a 7 weekend demo each year.

Drawing to be held at Stargate Yule Revel.

Winner need not be present to win. 

All tickets to be sold at the list field near water barers point at most Costal and Southern Regional events.

For additional info contact:

H.L. Brian du Val (936) 295-4671

 cobalt60 at 


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