CR - Mid Summer Faire Reservations Announcement

Jennifer Mittelstaedt gwyn_26 at
Fri May 26 11:19:04 PDT 2000

Unto the Kingdom of Ansteorra and the Coastal Region:

        I am reposting this message for the benefit of all...

   I wish to send out a reminder that Mid Summer Faire is next weekend.  
Which is the 3rd of June.
   Also speaking on behalf of the Feast Steward, please make your feast 
reservations now...

       Feast is limited...  And going fast as of my last posting
(Mon. 22).  So, reserve now!!!!!!

You can e-mail me your reservations.

As requested by the populace the menu can be located on the Gate's Edge 
list.    http.//

Thank you all very much for your help in making the food as plentiful as 
possible with your reservation.  I hope to see you at the Faire.

Have a great day! :0)

Lady Gwynafwy Sinclaire
Canton of Gate's Edge
gwyn_26 at
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