ANST-Announce - southern army YsfaelEleanor at
Tue Apr 3 07:28:51 PDT 2001

Greetings to the list!
The sunday following a wonderful event in Bjornsborg, Duke Kien called
for a meeting discussing the possible organization of a Southern Army (name
to be dicussed later). At this meeting, notably attended by Thier
Excellencies Emrys and Brianna, Jarl Timo, Sir Kief, and HL
Gideon(so.reg.warlord), it was decided to form such an army. So that any who
wish to join , (and it is open to anyone, irrespective of where they may
live,) may begin on the "same page", it was agreed that we would use, as a
starting point, the organizational and command structure set out in Duke
Kien's essay that may be found in Stefan' Florilegium. This essay may be
found at....

See category "Combat", then scroll down to "melee-tactics-art".

Thank you,
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