ANST-Announce - Big Hugs and Thank you

Lady Simone Ui'Dunlainghe lady_simone at
Sun Apr 22 05:37:18 PDT 2001

I just wanted to send off a note to  Thank all the folks Who came out
and help make the fundraiser Demo in Dragonsfire Tor a success. 
 Thanks to the folks from Tempio who helped with setup and their chain
mail display. Thanks to the folks who came from waco that also helped
set up, do chain mail and assist with children's activities and the
list. and thanks from the folks who came from Elfsea who helped with
setup, authorizing fighters and teaching classes. And of course thank
you to everyone from the canton that worked so hard setting up, working
the demo and  tear down

A fun time was had and my boss is looking forward to the next one.

again thanks everyone
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