[Coastal] Houston, We have a Problem!

jhirling@houston.rr.com jhirling at houston.rr.com
Mon Aug 13 15:32:33 PDT 2001

8/13/01 5:19:55 PM, MGreene at mpan.com wrote:

>Hi all,    I hope you don't mind my use of 'Houston, we have a Problem', I
>just watched the Apollo-13 movie the other night, and it seemed appropriate
>in this case....
>I've noticed a lot of mass postings of the same e-mails


>3.  Then you would only get hit with the e-mail once,  Once, ONCE!     Not
>multi-times, such as if you are on the Stargate, Westgate, AND GatesEdge
>This way Coastal can revert back to a list for the Whole Coastal area, and
>we can avoid multiple postings to the Houston area lists in order to hit
>everyone on each list.

A wonderful idea, Hillary, but unlikely to keep people from multiple postings any more than Ansteorra Announce or Coastal has done.

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