[Coastal] Religion! - Tues UH Fighter Practice Persona Development class

Wendy Freeman/Otte wyllowmacm at netscape.net
Fri Dec 14 11:25:25 PST 2001

Well, we're on the last taboo conversation topic.  (Sex got rained out - again!) Again, this is an "Enchanted Ground" (which is a chance to play your persona for a short time).
Who is invited?  Anyone from the nervous SCA Newcomer to the grizzled Lion of Ansteorra.
The "setting" is a roadside gathering, where the topic of conversation has turned to different religious beliefs and ways to celebrate this season (or appease the gods for Spring's return).  This is also a "last-class-of-the-series" party - feel free to bring an appropriate celebration-food to share:

Class 4: Religion and your Persona
When: Tues, Dec 18, 7:30-8:00pm (wander in & out as you like)
Where: Univ. of Houston Fighter Practice, in the crook of the "U"-tree.

   We will explore the idea of incorporating the religious beliefs and traditions of a time/locality into our speech and actions.  Bring a chair (and maybe an appropriate food for the season?).

Useful background knowledge:
Beginner: How do you celebrate (or appease) the Winter Solstice?

Intermediate: What are your basic beliefs?  how do you express them? (Compare to the Roman Catholic, if a branch Christian denomination.  Compare to Christian, if different belief system.)

Advanced: What are the daily/annual rituals you are expected to follow? (Consider prayer times, eating rules, educational expectations, etc...)

I look forward to this discussion.
--Honourable Lady Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh

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