[Coastal] Having trouble picking a name?

Amy Forsyth aforsyth at uh.edu
Thu Jun 7 07:51:37 PDT 2001

OK, can't resist:
Trying all forms ---

Amy Forsyth ---  Azaelia Maggot   <ick!>
Amy Busch (maiden) ---  Azaelia Chubb-Baggins    :-)

Adela naast de Hondsroos  (hmmm..... doesn't like that)
Adela Hondsroos, naast d' (form used today -- doesn't like it either)
Adela Hondsroos ----
	Rosie-Posie Grubb of Little Delving
Addy Hondsroos ----
	Azaelia Grubb of Little Delving

And little Mary (i.e. Mary Little) is ---
	Lila Bunce of Brockenborings

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