[Coastal] demo tomorrow

R Husted rhusted at mastnet.net
Sun Jun 2 17:03:52 PDT 2002

We are having a demo at the West Columbia Library tomorrow June 3 at 2
PM. We
are the kick off for their Summer Reading program. Please if you are a
student or teacher who is now on summer break come down and join us. If
you can take a half day off we need  you. We would like to have fighters

for the kids to watch or take swings at, as well as dancing, and A&S
displays the kids can put their hands on. Anything that the kids can
touch or do is welcome.  The demo will probably be a couple of hours or
till the kids stop coming.

Take your best route to highway 35 going west from Angleton. You will
pass through a lot of nothing when HW35 will finally enter West
Columbia. The library is way off the road on the right side before you
get to the first bank, and is between S. 13th St./Fm-2852 and S.14th St.

It is in a very long white metal building with a very small log house at

the farthest end. If you go through more than one stop light, you have
most likely gone too far.

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