[Coastal] need Demo help

Gwynafwy /Jennifer gwyn_26 at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 19 19:21:57 PDT 2005

To our Cousins of the coast.

La Marche Sauvage needs your help.  We are having our annual demo on the 
19th of Nov.  Now we know that this also falls on Boardermarch event weekend 
but we are unable to change the date.

We are in need of fighters the most, as well as other people to help in 
other stations.  Our seneschal has offered to hold a small tourney with a 
prize for any fighters that can attend this demo.
This demo is held at a local museum and we are one if it's two biggest fund 
raisers for the year.

Please contact me at the following email address or cell phone number.  
Please let us know as soon as possible if you can attend.

Much thanks,
HL Gwynafwy

The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule.
-Albert Einstein-

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