[DFT] This week in the Tor

Lady Simone ui' Dunlaingh simone at elfsea.net
Sun Feb 24 11:40:46 PST 2002

The activities for this week in Dragonsfire Tor

Pre War get together at Seanan and Simone's
HE Louise Mendenhale is coming up from The Shire of Middleford to coordinate
planning and leaving times for those individuals traveling with middleford
and the cantons members of falconrose to War
call Simone for information 254-968-5319

Guardian of the Tor Planning meeting
Wednesday at Seanan and Simone's
call 254-968-5319 for directions

Arts and Sciences Night
Thursday room 21
Student development center
Tarelton University

We will be working on garb and the last of the Pre warprojects this week.

Documentation studygroup
Friday at Simone and Seanan's
to finish up documentation for
arts and sciences and Bardic for war
call Simone for information

Lady Simone Maurian ui' Dunlaingh
simone at elfsea.net

Minister of Arts and Sciences Dragonsfire Tor
Deputy Hospitaler Dragonsfire Tor

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