[DFT] Fw: [ChivalryToday] Five Quests for Justice

Seanan mac Tighearnain seanan at elfsea.net
Tue Nov 19 20:51:57 PST 2002

----- Original Message -----
> Five Quests in the Cause of Justice
> By Scott Farrell
> (c)2002 Shining Armor Enterprises
> www.ChivalryToday.com
> Justice is one of the Seven Knightly Virtues of the Code of Chivalry. In
> the Middle Ages, a knight in shining armor was expected to use his
> skills and weaponry to uphold the cause of justice by enforcing the
> King's laws. Today, when we think of justice, we often think of police
> officers and courtrooms, but we may overlook some of the more subtle yet
> important ways in which justice plays a role in our daily lives.
> Here are five quests which you can undertake to explore justice (in the
> chivalric sense) in your day-to-day endeavors. As with any effort to
> pursue and understand the chivalric virtues, some of these quests may
> not seem particularly challenging to you; someone else will find the
> same quests extremely difficult. But if you find yourself thinking that
> one of these tasks is too idealistic or simply "too much trouble," you
> should follow that path and discover what it says about your sense of
> justice, and how it alters your perception of the rules.
> 1) For one entire week, abide by the same "house rules" you set for your
> children - finish everything you put on your plate, complete your chores
> before you turn on the TV, be in bed by 9 pm without exception, no phone
> calls from friends until your homework is done, etc.
> 2) Call your local law enforcement agency (police or sheriff's
> department) and schedule a ride-along with a patrol officer. If you are
> feeling particularly bold, schedule the ride-along for a Friday or
> Saturday night.
> 3) This week, set aside an evening to examine your computer's hard drive
> and delete all unlicensed software - copied applications, MP3 music
> files, "borrowed" games or copyrighted images you've downloaded from the
> Internet. If you come across software or files which you feel are too
> valuable to delete, go to your local computer store and purchase a copy.
> (If you can't get to a store, www.CNET.com sells just about every kind
> of software there is on-line.)
> 4) Visit your county courthouse, find the Division of Jury Services, and
> volunteer to sit on a jury panel.
> 5) For the next 30 days, strictly observe the posted speed limits on
> every street and highway where you drive - even when you are alone in
> the car.
> None of these quests is meant to imply that justice or chivalry is
> synonymous with blindly following the rules. Our ability to enforce the
> important rules, however, is undermined every time an otherwise
> chivalrous person circumvents the "little" rules for the sake of
> convenience. A person who lives by the laws and rules of society is in a
> much stronger position to enact new regulations or to propose necessary
> changes to existing statutes.
> The expectation of just and lawful behavior should start within each of
> us before it is passed on to anyone else. A person with a sword can only
> enforce the law by intimidation, but a knight in shining armor who lives
> by the Code of Chivalry creates respect for the law through example and
> inspiration - and those are the most powerful tools of justice you'll
> ever find.
> = = = = = =
> Readers are permitted and encouraged to share this article with friends,
> family and colleagues via other e-mail lists, discussion groups and
> on-line forums (please include all titles and attributions). All
> material copyright 2002 Scott Farrell and Shining Armor Enterprises.
> Visit us on-line to learn more about the Code of Chivalry in the modern
> world at www.ChivalryToday.com .

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