[DFT] Loch Ruadh Fighter Practice

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at irishbard.com
Wed Apr 16 17:01:10 PDT 2003

Her Grace, Duchess Willow de Wisp, has graciously consented to give a talk
on the History of Ansteorra at our Fighter Practice this Saturday.  As the
first Queen of Ansteorra, Duchess Willow has a unique perspective on the
history of our Kingdom.  If you have not heard her speak before, it is not
an exageration to say that she is also one of the finest storytellers in the
Kingdom (or even the Knowne Worlde), and that this should prove a
fascinating experience

Everyone is welcome to come and practice with us, or just to watch and

Saturday, 19 April, 2:00pm
Z Boaz Park, Benbrook (or Fort Worth, depending on the map you look at).

Click here
Get%A0Map=Get+Map for an interactive online map.

In Service,
Padraig the Herald
Loch Ruadh Rocks!
Nunc est bibendum
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants

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