[DFT] Re: [Elfsea] Baronial Investiture Dates

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Tue Jul 1 15:38:32 PDT 2003

Greetings Elfsea!

In response to the questions posed by our seneschal:

As Vicar & Vicaress, we believe Elfsea is ready. Officer positions are
filled, reporting is on track, waivers are being collected, finances are in
order and for what it's worth, opinion outside the barony (that we've been
privy to) has been positive. We know there are important decisions on the
horizon, that our next leader(s) will desire time to study and scrutinize.
Let's get them invested at Defender and give them time to get acclimated. We
are confident that Their Highness' experience and insight will serve Elfsea
well when it comes to choosing it's long-term leadership, should they desire
to do so.

Their Highnesses desire to give the populace time to make a decision. They
also wish to extend courtesy to those chosen, to plan their ceremony. Their
Highnesses are certainly to be commended for those considerations. We
believe an investiture at Defender XXV will be historically significant, and
beneficial to the next Baron/Baroness as well as the populace. Enough to
outweigh the benefit of a few weeks delay. Conserving cost to the barony is
nice too, (though an investiture is certainly worthy of *some* expense).

The populace has not been living in a vacuum. As Mistress Xene & Duchess
Willow have stated, most active members should be aware of the potential
candidates and the state of the barony. In our opinion there is adequate
time to confer with candidates, conduct a polling and plan an investiture in
time for Defender; if we move quickly.

In the service of kingdom, crown and Elfsea, we remain,
Armand & Ameline
Lord & Lady Elfsea

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