[DFT] Keller Demo

Katelyn Crane salara_dragon at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 6 07:59:59 PDT 2004

Hi everybody,

I have just volunteered to coordinate the Keller Demo this year.  I know it 
is going to be opposite Queen's Champion and many of our rapier fighters 
will not be attending.  However, for those of you not interested in travel, 
this is a wonderful local demo which has a proven member-gathering ability.  
They also look forward to our coming every year and I do not want to 
dissapoint them.

Would everyone who is planning to attend please contact me off-list with 
your name, what you are planning to do/bring, and what you will need, ie: a 
table, a classroom, etc.  Anyone wanting to teach a class would be extremely 
welcome, but please let me know well in advance to make sure you will have 


Lady Irina Morevskaia
salara_dragon at hotmail.com

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