[DFT] Banner painting

Sue Delk ladydds at centex.net
Mon Jan 19 16:50:00 PST 2004

HL Rixende posted a missive to us about painting banners for Elfsea's Baronial encampment.  If anyone is interested, she will be hosting a painting day on Feb 7th, which is a Saturday.  I am sponsoring a banner and thought we could have a DFT theme for our Canton.  Any suggestions?  I sugegsted to her either the canton's badge or a more artistic rendering of the badge with a  dragon breathing fire sitting on the mountain, etc.  Any other ideas?  I won't be able to get to Elfsea in the near future (and I can't draw a straight line) so the task is on our great artisans!!  
    For more info, please email HL Rixende at rixende at mail2noble.com .  Thanks!

In service,
Lady Genevieve del Gamba
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