[DFT] Your Thoughts?

Ameline Dubois ameline at generich.com
Wed Jul 28 21:28:38 PDT 2004

I have been thinking about Elfsea"s castle my home, and it would give me great pleasure if you to think about it to.
 Please think about these questions in your persona.
Remember no answer is wrong I just would like to get an idea about what your persona thinks about Elfsea.

 Elfsea is the name of the Baronial land we live in. Many castles or keeps had a different name, do we wish to name our castle?
 What kind of castle motte and bailey, stone keep, or concentric castle?
 Is the a tavern in the keep or outside?
 Are there shops in or outside the keep?
 Is the hall big?
 Is there a large number of solders garrisoned in the castle?
 Is there a large stable?
 How many towers does it have?
 Are they round or square?
 Does it have a moat?
 How do you see the grounds of elfsea? 
 Is there a great sea near the castle?
 Is there a ghost in the castle?

Thank you for your time 
Lady Elfsea

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