[DFT] Gothic War
Armand Dragonetti
dragonetti at generich.com
Fri Sep 3 11:37:20 PDT 2004
MessageGreetings Elfsea,
For those traveling this Labor Day weekend, be admonished to take care on
the Crown's roads, for they may be perilous. I myself shall depart at 6 pm
this evening, en route for Gothic War and the "Clash for Gwynedd". I
anticipate a mighty contingent from Elfsea to join me there, where we shall
quell the oppressessors on the melee field on Saturday. Whether you reside
in Elfsea (wish you did or do in spirit), are a member of the Arthurians (or
want to be), serve on the Baronial Guard (or would like to), fight as part
of the baronial levy, or simply wish to fight with the victors, please seek
me out when you make your arrival. If you are found to be true and worthy,
then we will add your sword to ours to thwart our enemies and shall note
your support of Elfsea. If you are not, then.......perhaps you should put
your affairs in order.
Heavy melees will take place on Saturday, with a two hour heavy bearpit
tourney on Sunday. Also tentatively on Sunday, there will be a
Centurian-sponsored tourney followed by a newcomer's tourney. The Light
tourney occurs Saturday with Light melees on Sunday. Many, many
opportunities for fighting, teaching and learning. I look forward to seeing
you there! (At my side or tip of my sword is up to you.)
Baron of Elfsea
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