[DFT] Mighty Logathar

Sue Delk ladydds at centex.net
Tue Sep 7 14:34:02 PDT 2004

I knew there was a reason why we love that guy...  Way to go, Logi!!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Armand Dragonetti 
  To: Canton of Dragonsfire Tor 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 1:01 PM
  Subject: [DFT] Mighty Logathar

  Greetings Dragonsfire Tor!

  I just wanted to convey wordfame for Lord Logathar's amazing performance at
  the first Ansteorran Barrier Battle Ultimate Fighting Championship at Gothic
  War. For those who missed this incredible spectactle, I must say that never
  before, in all my time within the SCA, have I witnessed a more amazing
  tournament. The courage, brutality, adrenalin, spectator excitment with
  their deafening roars, weeping women, people out of their seats, men
  cheering non-stop and wide-eyed looks on even the most seasoned veterans was
  simply astounding. I myself was transported to another place, befitting our
  King's roman reign, where I witnessed first hand the alure of the gladiator
  games of old. Combatants placed a hand on the barrier with their weapons at
  the ready. King Quintus Aurelius Dracontius himself marshalled the bouts and
  made rulings on disqualifications. If your hand came off the barrier,
  purposely or accidentally, you were out. If you struck your opponent's arm
  (that grasped the barrier) too many times, you were done. If the King felt
  you were done, you were done. 22 men and women fought at the barrier. Many
  legendary fighters fought this tourney. Sir Kief av Kiersted fighting Sir
  Jean Paul de Sans. Jarl Timo facing off with the wall they called Lord Roc.
  Centurian (soon to be Sir) Owen, Centurian Ishfael who won the final round,
  and many others, all exceptional fighters. Many, many spectacular fights and
  testaments of endurance, stubborness and shear berserker ferocity. The
  double elimination format tested the fighters to the limit. After several
  bouts, I congratulated Sir Kief as he was eliminated. I congratulated Lord
  Daire de Haiya, Sir Jean Paul, Jarl Timo, Centurion Owen, Sir Max and more.
  And yet ....... there was Lord Logathar still battling on, still in the
  list. He took the name of Dragonsfire Tor into the quarter finals of this
  tournament that you will no doubt here of for many moons to come. Know ye
  one and all that one such as this walks in your midst. Be proud Dragonsfire
  Tor, and when next your path may cross that of Lord Logathar, take a moment
  to pay some respect and give thanks (and perhaps some pain killers), for he
  is a worthy protector of your canton and has represented you incredibly
  well. Congratulations Lord Logathar, you have my sincere respect, admiration
  and thanks. These words do not do justice to those who fought, it was simply

  So say I,
  Baron Armand Dragonetti
  Lord Dragonsfire Tor

  Dragonsfire-tor mailing list
  Dragonsfire-tor at ansteorra.org
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