[DFT] Guardian questions

ThoraOdottir at aol.com ThoraOdottir at aol.com
Sun Jan 30 09:23:49 PST 2005

I have a couple of questions for the populace regarding Guardian this  year.  
I have a tentative date with the Broken "O" this year awaiting  approval.  
Before I finalized this I wanted to get the opinion of the  populace. 
Do we want to go with the Broken "O" period or shall we compare prices with  
other sites that already have amenities such as water and bathrooms and a 
mowed  site?
Considerations are the cost of bringing in water, cost of extra  porta-johns, 
and cost of rental of a brush hog mower (unless we have access to  one again 
this year) or cost of having it mowed. Cheree says she could mow  it on her 
riding mower but it isn't running right now.
I drove around some yesterday looking at potential sites.  
I found a place in Garner called West End RV Park that says they are  willing 
to work with us for $450, but the place is pretty trashed out in the  wooded 
areas. He says he could have it cleaned up by April but I would be much  more 
sold on a clean site than the promise of a clean site. On the other hand  they 
have bathrooms, showers, electrical hookups and a nice, long, flat field  
that would be really good for pavilions and list fields.
Looked at Tres Rios.  Looked like it may be a little pricey for us and  there 
would be a lot of mundanes but they have all the amenities the site is  well 
kept and it sounded like they would be willing to work with us.  PS  next Yule 
autocrat might want to check out the renovated Palaces  1,2,&3.  They each 
have a little kitchenette with stove, fridge, sink  and microwave.  They can be 
rented individually or all together (they are  separated by curtain 
partitions) which would give a feastocrat three  kitchens to work with.
Drove out to Keller's Campground in Mineral Wells.  The sign said they  were 
closed so I decided to check some other spots and call for an appointment  if 
ya'll think it would be a good idea.  I did notice that it seemed the  
neighbors were right on top of the campground though.
Willow Lake Gardens, where Springfare is going to be would cost $900 for  the 
weekend but we would not be able to get the area that Springfare is going to  
be using.  It would have to be the Barn site that is not scheduled to be  
completed until May I believe.
Camp and Fish wouldn't do a group rate.
Went to Buck's onthe Brazos.  Spoke with JR (appears to be a caretaker  
maybe) He said I would need to speak with the boss Scott for a group rate and  
reservations.  JR sounded really interested in the SCA though.  I told  him about 
forge night and drew him a map. He may show up.
Please ya'll give me some feed back on this as soon as you can and if you  
can think of some other places for me to check out let me know.
Thanks ya'll.  I'll keep you posted.
In Fidelis  Muneris
Thora Olafsdottir
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