[DFT] Compleat Anachronist

lizdenpeters at juno.com lizdenpeters at juno.com
Sun Aug 20 01:00:17 PDT 2006

Good Gentles,

There was a Compleat Anachronist in my mailbox this evening when I
arrived home on the subject of gloves written by none other that our own
HL Chiara Francesca.  I've only read it once (so far) but it is very
good.  Good enough explanations and pattern making instructions to make
me believe that even I could do this.  Check it out!

Vivat Ches!!


Lady Fionnghuala the Fair "Nuala" and/or my evil twin, Cedric
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
garage makes you a car."
                              Laurence J. Peter

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