[DFT] July Heraldic Commentary

Luciana Caterina di Boniface dolce.luce at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 08:16:07 PDT 2006

Just as a reminder, Commentary will be tonight at 7pm.

In Service,

On 7/18/06, Luciana Caterina di Boniface <dolce.luce at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Location - Caelin and Pyro's
> Time: 7pm
> http://www.elfsea.net/Events/heraldic_commentary.htm
> We will be having July's Commentary at Caelin's and Pyro's on July 19th,
> starting at 7pm. Please email me offlist at dolce.luce at gmail.com and let
> me know if you are coming. Also, if you are interested in coming,
> but Wednesday night is a bad night for you, please let me know, along with
> the day and time that would be good for you. I am thinking very seriously
> about breaking the commentary up into two separate days, but I need feedback
> from people before doing so.
> Just as an FYI, there are quite a few submissions from Elfsea that will be
> commented on this month. There were 12 submissions in June's ILoI, there are
> just as many in July's
> This is a lot of fun, and I learned a LOT at the last commentary. I am
> looking forward to seeing you there!
> In Service,
> Luciana
> --
> Always assume the best about your loved ones. There is a reason that you
> love them

Always assume the best about your loved ones. There is a reason that you
love them

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