[DFT] Don't mess with Elfsea

Dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Mon Apr 16 14:19:29 PDT 2007

Greetings Elfsea!
I wanted to add my congratulations to the many victorious gentles this past
Guardian of the Gauntlet: Lord Dirk the Just
Bardic Defender of the Flame: Maggie MacPherson
Rapier Defender of the Flame: Master Darius of the Bells
Rapier Keeper of the Flame: Caerell MacDomniall
Archery Defender of the Flame: Roger de Cornwall
Archery Keeper of the Flame: Gavin the Younger
Chivalric Keeper of the Flame: Lord Gearhardt Wolfgang der Rote
Congratulations one and all.......VIVAT!
Baron of Deadly Elfsea

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